We recommend TPC Restoration for the high quality of its work and workers. The company re-stained our log house and wood-sided barn, located in Floyd County, Virginia. Although the price was substantial, we soon realized that it was fair.
Mr. Dennis Turpin, a personable expert, visited us and discussed every detail, including the quality of his crew. He communicated with us personally or by email at almost every step. He had stain and gloss samples delivered to us. The scheduling was settled far in advance and followed. The stain used was higher than the type furnished by the original cabin-kit--and explained as to its benefits.
The washing of house, deck, covered porch, and barn was thorough and careful. People showed up first thing in the morning even after a long drive. The log-ends were sanded and carefully treated. The crew stained the logs, window frames, and posts (deck,carport, porch), with brushes and without haste. This was a long and probably tedious job, but the crew stuck with it over a number of days. The young crew members were reliable, cooperative, courteous, and friendly.
The crew applied the seal to both buildings. While doing the main job, they also replaced spotlights located high on the wall, and they washed a few windows that we could not reach. We are pleased with the outcome and consider the expense a worthy investment in appearance and longevity. Sincerely,
— Randall and Marjory Wells